Minimising our environmental footprint is important. We work hard to ensure all our activities are conducted with wildlife safety and low environmental impact in mind.
Enormous care has gone into the design of our processing and metallisation plants. We’ve designed (and redesigned) ore processing and oxide separation technologies to achieve small physical footprint, low volumes of consumables, water recycling, and rigorous waste residue treatment and storage. And we’ve scoured the globe to discover and invest in a new sustainable metallisation technology under development in South Korea.
We’re also committed to encouraging biodiversity and protecting the wide variety of native species that live in our mining areas. To offset our Dubbo Project activities, we’ve established designated areas earmarked for the restoration and creation of new native habitats for animal species, especially those that are threatened and endangered. The Dubbo Project biodiversity offset areas feature grassy white box woodlands, Wiradjuri cultural heritage sites and habitats for the Pink-tailed Worm-lizard, a vulnerable local species for which ASM is taking a leading role in conservation.
Rehabilitation of mining sites is planned into the project lifecycle from the beginning. Through progressive rehabilitation, monitoring and management actions, all mining sites will be returned to stable and productive ecosystems once mining is finished.
Conservation of the Pink-tailed Worm-lizard
We are privileged to manage and conserve the largest known NSW population of the vulnerable Pink-tailed Worm-lizard (PTWL), which lives around the Dubbo Project orebody.
More InfoIntegrated farming and conservation
With the establishment of Toongi Pastoral Company, ASM is proud to demonstrate that mining, farming and nature conservation can co-exist in harmony with the local community.
More InfoDubbo Project environmental reports and management plans
Read or download PDFs of all publicly available environmental reports and management plans, Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), company responses, permission and consents.
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