Dubbo Project awarded grant funding of $6.5 million from Australian Government

ASM’s Dubbo Project has been awarded grant funding of $6.5 million under Tranche 2 of the Australian Government’s Critical Minerals Development Program (CMDP).

Subject to the execution of binding documentation, the funding will be received to progress the Dubbo Project’s EPC Definition activities with respect to non-process infrastructure.

This exciting news was announced by the Federal Minister for Resources, the Hon Madeleine King MP.

ASM’s Rowena Smith responded, saying:

ASM is grateful to receive this generous support from the Australian Government for our rare earths and critical minerals Dubbo Project. As part of our commitment to strong ESG performance, this funding will allow us to optimise the final design of the Project’s carbon, water and residue management.

This is another exciting step for our Dubbo Project, as we build our global mine to metals business and look to bring new jobs and opportunities to the people of Dubbo and the region.

ASM signs agreement for sale of NdFeB alloy to Noveon Magnetics

We are delighted to announce the signing of a sales agreement with US based rare earth magnet manufacturer Noveon Magnetics Inc. (Noveon) for 100 tonnes of neodymium iron boron (NdFeB) alloy from our Korean Metals Plant (KMP). This marks our first sale of NdFeB alloy from the KMP since successful commissioning of the strip alloy caster earlier this year.

This also represents the start of a strategic partnership with Noveon, with ASM’s Rowena Smith saying:

As we continue to work with Noveon, we look forward to ongoing discussions to meet Noveon’s supply requirements in line with their development.

The NdFeB alloy is to be delivered during a one year period, with the first shipment anticipated to occur by the end of June 2023. 


ASM CEO discusses signing of VTRE feedstock agreement

ASM CEO Rowena Smith was delighted to speak with Andrew Scott from Proactive, about the binding agreement we have signed with Vietnam Rare Earth Company (VTRE) for feedstock for the Korean Metals Plant (KMP).

In speaking with Andrew, Rowena discusses the importance of this development for the KMP’s ramp-up, and for securing potential sales contracts.

During the interview, Rowena also gave an update on the progress of our Dubbo Project – the cornerstone of ASM’s “mine to metals” business.


ASM signs binding agreement with Vietnam Rare Earth Company (VTRE) for metals plant feedstock supply

Signing of agreement between ASM and VTRE at Australian Embassy in Vietnam. (R-L) Peter Finnimore (ASM), David Gottlieb (Australian Embassy in Vietnam), Rebecca Ball (Austrade), Rowena Smith (CEO ASM), Luu Anh Tuan (CEO VTRE), Andrew Goledzinowski (Australian Ambassador to Vietnam), Do Hanh Huong (VTRE)

We are pleased to advise that ASM has signed a binding agreement with Vietnam Rare Earth Company (VTRE) for the purchase of rare earth oxides from Vietnam to be used as feedstock at ASM’s Korean Metals Plant (KMP). Under the terms of the agreement, VTRE will deliver 100 tonne of product for the remainder of 2023. The pricing for the feedstock (in USD) will be determined using a formula-based mechanism referencing published market prices for neodymium-praseodymium oxide.

The agreement was signed during a ceremony at the Australian Embassy in Vietnam.

ASM Managing Director & CEO Rowena Smith said:

This agreement will ensure we have the feedstock needed to continue the ramp-up of production at KMP, as anticipated sales contracts progress this year. In sourcing the required oxides from Vietnam and building our relationship with VTRE, we are also ensuring greater oversight of our supply chain, which supports our sustainability and governance commitments to both our customers and our shareholders.

Thank you to the Australian Embassy, Austrade and Korea’s Chungcheongbuk Province, for the assistance provided throughout discussions with VTRE for this agreement.

Quarterly Activities Report to 31 March 2023

We are pleased to advise our Quarterly Activities Report to 31 March 2023 has been released.

In line with ASM’s strategic business priorities, key activities for the Quarter included:

  • Commenced Stage 1 of the Dubbo Project EPC Definition contract with Hyundai Engineering Co. Ltd (HEC)
  • Delivered neodymium praseodymium (NdPr) metal production consistently in specification at the targeted daily rate, resulting in a total output of 15.1 tonnes
  • Successfully completed commissioning of the strip alloy caster at the Korean Metals Plant and progressed development of customer-specific neodymium iron boron (NdFeB) strip alloys as part of ongoing negotiations of potential sales agreements
  • Broadened Dubbo Project and Korean Metals Plant offtake marketing and strategic partner discussions in Europe, Japan and the USA, while continuing discussions in Korea

ASM continues to build relationship with Vietnam Rare Earth Company (VTRE)

ASM continues to build on our relationship with the Vietnam Rare Earth Company (VTRE), after signing a non-binding business agreement with the company in December 2022.  The agreement, which also included Korea’s Chungcheongbuk Province, was for all parties to co-operate to build a global rare earths supply chain.

In March 2023, representatives from ASM visited VTRE in Vietnam to undertake further on site and product due diligence.  As part of this visit, we were delighted to have the Australian Ambassador to Vietnam Andrew Goledzinowski, and the Chair of the local people’s party join us.

Following our visit to Vietnam, VTRE’s Chief Executive Officer and other representatives joined us at our Korean Metals Plants for a site visit and ongoing discussion for the supply of KMP feedstock.


ASM Board appoints Ms Rowena Smith as Managing Director

We are pleased to advise that CEO Ms Rowena Smith has been appointed as Managing Director by the ASM Board, to take effect 6 March 2023.

Mr Ian Gandel, Chair of ASM, said this was a natural progression following Ms Smith’s appointment as CEO in July 2022.

“Since Rowena became CEO last year, she has led the Company through a successful Capital Raising, the commencement of the EPC Definition work for the Dubbo Project and the first sale and delivery of product from the Korean Metals Plant. These activities have placed ASM in a strong position for 2023, as we progress our Dubbo Project and ramp-up of the Korean Metals Plant.”

Ian Gandel, ASM Chair

Dubbo Project MOD1 receives Development Consent Approval

We are pleased to advise that our Dubbo Project SSD Modification Report 1 (MOD1) has received Development Consent approval from the NSW Department of Planning and Environment following a thorough public submission and review process.

The MOD1 determination was required after our December 2021 Optimisation Study led to several design improvements in plans already approved for the Dubbo Project. These included simplifying the project’s process flowsheet and incorporating new operating strategies that would reduce impact on the Dubbo community and environment, while also reducing operating costs and improving project economics.

Congratulations to our Dubbo Project team, who completed numerous environmental studies including noise, air quality and emissions to submit the MOD1 in early 2022, and then to respond to submissions made during the public exhibition process.

Another step forward for our Dubbo Project in 2023!

Dubbo Project team welcomes visit by KMP Representative Director Mr Sung-lea Cho

It was a pleasure to welcome our Korean Metals Plant Representative Director, Mr Sung-lea Cho, on his first trip to Australia.

During his visit, Mr Cho spent time at our Dubbo Project site and toured the project’s test work facilities at ANSTO.

With products from the Dubbo Project (once constructed) going to the Korean Metals Plant for metallisation – this visit provided Mr Cho and the team in Australia opportunity to better get to know one another, as we work together to progress ASM’s `mine to metals’ business.

Mr Cho also spent a week in the Perth office, working with the Executive team on ASM’s 2023 Business Plan.

Dubbo Project team kicks off EPC Definition work with Hyundai Engineering Co.Ltd

Kick-off meeting between Dubbo Project team and HEC representatives.

We are excited to be getting underway with Stage 1 of our Dubbo Project EPC Definition work.

In early February, the Dubbo Project Team held a kick-off meeting with representatives from Hyundai Engineering Co. Ltd (HEC) to commence Stage 1 requirements.

During Stage 1, HEC will establish front-end engineering and design activities and progress standards development.  This work is expected to be completed in mid-2023.