Dubbo Project Community Newsletter

ASM’s latest Dubbo Project Community Newsletter provides a wrap-up of the project progress we’ve made and highlights where the ASM team has continued to build positive partnerships with local stakeholders.

In recent months a number of sustainability initiatives at the Dubbo Project have been progressed or completed, including:

  • The signing of a contract with the NSW Department of Primary Industries to demonstrate how woody biomass crops can potentially be integrated into land management options for ASM’s subsidiary, Toongi Pastoral Company.
  • Completion of our annual vegetation and Pink-Tailed Worm-Lizard survey in partnership with Area Environmental.
  • Confirmation from the Clean Energy Regulator that the Toongi Soil Carbon Project has been registered as an eligible offset project under the Australian Government’s Emissions Reduction Fund.

You can learn more about these and other initiatives in our latest newsletter.