Toongi Soil Carbon Project registered

We’re taking an innovative approach to carbon farming.

Since 2021, our subsidiary Toongi Pastoral Company has been working to identify opportunities to capture and store carbon at the Dubbo Project as part of the Government’s Australian Carbon Credit Unit (ACCU) Scheme.

The Scheme encourages businesses to run projects that reduce emissions or store carbon, by using new technology, upgrading equipment, changing business practices, and changing the way vegetation is managed. Measured increases of in-soil carbon content can earn ACCUs, which can potentially be offset against emissions.

Earlier this year, we were pleased to receive confirmation from the Clean Energy Regulator that the Toongi Soil Carbon Project has been registered as an eligible offset project under the Scheme.

As we continue the development of the Dubbo Project, ASM is committed to supporting the drive toward net zero. Through innovative projects such as this, as well as actively managing and minimising greenhouse gas emissions, we aim to continuously improve our carbon footprint and meet our emission reduction targets.